Sunday, May 17, 2009


The other day we went up to my friend Rachel's house to hang out with her and her kids. It's a long drive up to Clinton, which is about 1 hr 15 mins from me. I like to drive and the kids slept on the way up so that was very nice! On the way home I was low on gas, but it was dinner time and the kids were hungry and tired and I was thinking I could make it home. WRONG! I ran out of the gas right at the point of the mountain, about 15 mins away from home. A couple of minutes right after I stopped, a cop pulled about behind me and saved the day (or so I thought.) He said he could send a truck to put some gas in my car and it would only take about 15 mins. I agreed since I really didn't want to have to call my dad. Well after about 30 minutes the cop came back to my window and said that the truck had to stop at an accident so I need to call someone. Then he asked for my license and registration which I figured was routine. I've been pulled over by cops so many times (only in Utah.) Ten minutes later he comes back and says "okay ma'am I'm going to give you a warning, did you know if you run out of gas on the freeway you can get a citation?" I was like wtf!? no...whatever. I called my dad and about 30 minutes later he came and put some gas in my car. An hour and a half later we finally made it home. I stuffed the kids faces with food as quickly as possible and put them to bed by 8:30. What a day! Later that night I talked to my friend Darius who is a cop in Arizona and he laughed sooo hard because he said that running out of gas is not a citation! I was so mad! Stupid cop! Was he seriously that bored that he had to hassle a mom with 2 screaming kids in her car? ugh! I know some of my friends have husbands that are cops and Darius is one, but I'm sorry I just don't like MOST Utah cops. All the run ins I have had with Utah cops are not pleasant, and I am not a crazy person! topic. Jaden still loves to try on
my shoes and walk around the house with them. I just can't get enough of it! lol!
I can't even handle how sweet of a boy Jaden is. It's not just me that says it either, my family and friends and strangers say it all the time. I was weeding the yard last week and I would make grunting sounds when it was hard to get the weed out and he would stop what he was playing with and come over and rub my arm or back and say "you ok mama?" He's so sweet! If I hurt myself or cough he does the same thing. Another new thing he does is says "Thank you, Mama" over and over, like 5 times and each time he wants me to say "You're welcome, Jaden." It's pretty cute. Today Kaylie hasn't been feeling very well and he will come up to her and kiss her on the cheek or wipe her nose for her with a tissue. If she is sad she will bring her her sippy cup or binkie! I'm just so grateful for him and what a good boy he is. He's my little helper and I love him so much! He brings so much joy to my life.

My little Kaylie has a cold. She woke up this morning with snot all over. Poor girl! She has been so miserable and sad today. I feel so bad, but she still manages to smile and have fun as much as she can. She wanted to help me with the laundry today.
She loves to wear hats, especially Uncle Ryan's hat or my Dallas Cowboys hat.

She is getting more and more smart each day. She understands what I say to her now, if I ask her where her sippy is or where a diaper is she will go get it. She is walking around everywhere and has even started running a little bit. She loves to give loves still and I love it! She hangs on so tight, it's my favorite. She gets so excited when she wakes up before Jaden from a nap because we get to go in the room and get him out and she almost leaps out of my arms to get him. I love that they are best friends! I just know Jaden is going to be a great big brother like my brother Ryan has been to me. I'm so happy they have each other. I can't imagine not having Kaylie in our lives. She has made our little family complete! She brings so much personality and excitement to my life and I love her to pieces!
My friend Holly asked me last night how I do it? How I can be a single mom with two little ones and still be happy and stress free? I told her I'm not like that everyday, but for the most part they are good, easy, well-behaved, happy kids so I am very blessed. They go to bed by 7:30 for me which I really appreciate, that keeps me sane! I handle it all so well because I chose to handle it that way. I chose to deal with the hard and make it a positive and enjoy my kids. I could have chosen to be a slacker mom, stressed out, impatient and annoyed all of the time, but that's just not who I am! I'm not saying I'm perfect because I have my days where I call my mom and tell her I'm shipping the kids to her house or that I'm going to jump out the window. :) but overall they are the best. I like being a mom, but I LOVE being their mom! :)


Katie said...

Great blog--love the pictures and you are the bestest :)

Nicole said...

Those cops can be pretty dumb, (sorry sarah) I can't believe he told you that! Your kids are pretty dang good:) It helps that they have just a good mommy. Im sorry that Kiki is sick, no fun. Let me know if ya need anything!

Anonymous said...

this was a great post!! lv it....copied ur flashback friday post friends loved it!!...ur kiddos are so cute...good for u jaden is so sweet its cuz he has a good mamma!!

Nicole said...

Awe, you ARE a good mom.

And I agree, Cops are dumb. How rude of him not to help you himself! He could have gone and got a little bit of gas for you, so you could make it to the gas station! How lame!

Megan Isham said...

Yay you are a great mom. And I love my little Jaden and Kiki

Sarah Z said...

DOn't offense bout the cop thing. My husband is not a "typical UT cop". DOesn't even give speeding tickets, let alone for running out of gas; that's just cruel! THat close up of the kids with Jaden in your shoes, he looks exactly like his dad! Then, the one in jammies with Kaylie in the hat, I thought that was Jaden! TOtally mistaken for you get that alot now that Kaylie is getting bigger?

Rachel said...

I'm sorry that happened, bummer. Some cops are so mean!! I'm glad you came up though, it was tons of fun. I'll come down there next time :)
I'm glad your kids are so sweet and good. You are such a good mommy to them!

Breanna said...

OMG that cop was such a jerk!

I love the pictures!!

Christiansen's said...

I can't believe you were stuck in your car that long waiting, I would have lost my mind especially considering that your kids were already hungry to begin with. You are one patient lady!

Mich said...

L.A.M.E. I with ya on the cop thing (minus one, who I find pretty damn amazing:) ). I have this theory that most cops are suffering from little man sydrome and feel like they need to be on power trips all the time. Seriously, start paying attention to how many cops are under 5'10". It's pretty ridiculous.

I love the shoe pic! Jaden does a lot of the same things as Zachary. So cute.

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