Sunday, May 3, 2009

Feel free to skip this blog...

I have decided that I need a social life! Don't get me wrong, I have some great friends with kids that I get to hang out with each week and have play dates and it's a lot of fun. I just really need a social life outside of my kids. I LOVE my kids and I am not complaining that I get to be a stay at home mom, I wouldn't have it any other way. I just wish that I could go on dates, go to the movies with my friends, go shopping with the girls, and even have a little part time job. Ideally I would love to work at a tanning salon or a gym again. Why don't I just do it? you ask...well I'm not sure how. I really don't want to put Jaden and Kaylie in daycare, mostly because it is so much money and it doesn't make sense to get a low paying, part-time job and then pay so much in daycare. I wish I had someone that I knew that would take care of them for a few hours here and there. I wish my mom lived here!
As for the dating thing, I am not sure how I will ever meet a guy unless I have a job or more of an adult social life. Of course there is always the internet, but there are some real freaks on it and the good ones are hard to find. Living in Utah and finding a guy for me is even harder because I am not Mormon and I'm a 24 year old woman with 2 little kids. It's obvious that most men in Utah aren't looking for that, especially in Utah County aka Happy Valley. If only I could move all my friends and family back to Arizona. I would love to be back there.
Anyway, I'm sorry if this blog is a drag and all you think I'm doing is complaining, but hey sometimes I just need to vent. Thanks for listening!


Carlene (winner) said...

Oh Lauren... we are so alike it's freaky! :) I hear you 100%! And thanks to the emails Amber and I forwarded you, you know for sure there are definitely a lot of freaks on the internet! I worry about all these things too but I know it will all work itself out in time! Especially for a hot milf like you!!! ;) Plus, you will always be MY valentine!!!!

Katie said...

Carlene, you are awesome! Yes, it will all work out at the right time. It's always a step at a time--you always have to have hope! Love you

:: ashley :: said...

I bet it can be tough doing the single mom thing, I can't even imagine trying to juggle everything in life right now AND date--I totally agree that getting out and having a little 'you time' would probably help. I would love to help watch your kids if you need me to! I am done teaching in June and could watch them for a few hours here and there, just let me know!

Goodwin Family said...

I know my schedule is tight, but we're going to be neighbors soon (sort of) and I'd totally be willing to watch the kiddies. I owe you!!

Rachel said...

I wish we lived closer...i would definitely watch your cute kids anytime!
I agree with you on the day care thing. It is do dang expensive so it's not helpful unless someone has a high paying job.
And don't worry about the dating issue. You have such a fun personality and your beautiful. It will happen :)
Hang in there. You are an awesome mommy!!

Anonymous said...

its ok girl vent it out...!!! blogging is theraputic i think...if u lived her id watch ur kiddos for free!! why dont u move back since ur mom here too! so im assuming u n the man broke up?? i thought it ws good?? sorry

Nicole said...

Im so glad to have a working computer again!!! You are the BEst mom in the world, sometimes i wish i had the great patience that you have seriously!!! I think you getting a job is going to be the BEST thing for you! I know that yOu will meet a guy that will treat you and your kids great!! YOur awesome and I love ya bunches! p.s. I just thought of this you me and carlene should go to a movie atleast twice a month!!! I need some girl time too

Mich said...

Couldn't agree more! I think single or married, everyone needs a life away from their kids. You can still be a great parent without signing your life away. I know for me my job is such a great way to be around other adults. It's a great way to start meeting guys too. I don't know if you could do this, but the best way for me to go out without taking time away from Zachary is after he's gone to bed. I lived in a duplex next to my sister for 2 years, and I would go out 3-4 times a week after 8:00, and just put a monitor in his room. Now I live with my parents, but I still go out on weekends after I put him down. There are a lot of moms that run daycares in their homes- you might want to check into that. It gets cheaper when you're kids are potty-trained too. I pay my sister $25 a day, which isn't too bad. I know the economy is bad right now, but you could probably find something for around $12-15 an hour fairly easily- not great, but better than nothing. Anyway, sorry this is so long. I should've just emailed you. If you can ever make it up to Salt Lake, you're more than welcome to come out with me one night. Don't get me wrong, married friends are fine, but you really need single friends to go out with. It's just different!

Mich said...

I'm really sorry, but one more thing to add to my rambling mess. Don't think you won't find someone because you have 2 kids. I know SO many people that have found the most amazing guys. Hmmm, maybe you should get out of happy valley :) Seriously though, I know it seems like everyone is married and popping out babies like crazy, but when you get in the real world you realize you're not such a minority afterall, and people are much much less judgemental. Anyway, you have a great attitude and you're a cute girl- I know things will work out for you!

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