Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vote on my new poll!

How often do you go pee everyday? I can blog about this because my blog is private and all of you reading this are awesome and accept me for who I am. :)
The reason I ask this question is because I really think that I have the worst bladder in the whole wide world. I am worse than a pregnant woman! It is not fair and I'm tired of having such a crappy bladder. One time I actually counted how many times I went in one day and it was 14! Okay, that's a little crazy! Right? I have always had a small or weak bladder since I can remember, even before having kids!
I guess I just want to know if my bladder is the worst ever, or if there are other women who feel my pain?
Do share! and don't forget to vote!


Sarah Z said...

Don't forget to do the How Well Do You (think you) Know Me? Tag...I wanna see what you have to say!

Sarah Z said...

Sorry...I meant for YOU to do it...I tagged you!

Rachel said...

You are so will be interesting to see the results! I can't believe you went 14 times in one day, wow!!

Goodwin Family said...

I love you, my peeing friend! I've heard of medication that can help...or maybe you could get a bladder lift. My mom had to have one of those. Go to the doc and see what they say... P.S. I think I should pee more. I'm really good at holding it. I hate having to pee at work or in public.

:: ashley :: said...

yikes thats a ton! you might want to talk to a doctor, I think I maybe was like 10 times a day when 9 months pregnant -- and after reading this blog I am going to assume your pregnancy announcement up there ^ is not true ;)

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