Saturday, March 28, 2009

She is MY baby, dang it!

Location was doctor's office this past week. I had only Kaylie with me.

Receptionist: Oh my goodness she is so adorable. She's so beautiful, look how cute she is.
me: Thank you (big smile)
Kaylie: Hiii, hiii, hiii (waves her hand)
Receptionist: How old is she?
me: She will be one next month.
Receptionist: Did you get her when she was a baby?
me: (scowl) NO, she is my baby. Her dad is...
Receptionist: (cuts me off) Oh her dad is black. Oh you don't see that very often I guess.

Well I pretty much was ready to go off on a rant to this lady, but I didn't because it actually made me sad really fast. So I just went and sat down and waited to be called and held Kaylie a little tighter. I have been asked before if my kids are adopted, but never in a blunt way like this. I didn't like it one bit. I just hate how people have the nerve to even ask. Come on people this is 2009, there is such a thing as interracial dating and marriage. I really want to get a shirt made for me with some kind of saying where people will know that they are my kids and came from my womb! Any ideas??


Katie said...

I wish I had been there :)
people can be so insensitive--and rude. Hopefully you don't have that experience often. I love your picture on your page now! so prettttty :)

:: ashley :: said...

People are so ignorant! I think its dumb. I think everyone needs to mix it up a bit then in 20 years there won't be racial issues! That's how I think it could get solved real quick- plus I think Kaylie looks like you also, some people don't look too close I guess!

Kathryn said...

Wow! It doesn't surprise me here in Utah though, some people are so naive. I am from California and I don't like living here because I feel like I live in a bubble! I am sorry she said that to you :(

Nicole said...

Awe man... We should go back and punch her! What an interesting thing to say, in what way did she think it would be helpful to anyone to say that to you?!

I agree with what Kathryn said, it IS like a bubble sometimes!

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you...people are so RUDE!!! I missed your true/false tag...i remember that you do have an awesome singing voice tho :)

Nicole said...

Ok we really need to think of something. I will brainstrom and will make you a shirt or even better your kids a shirt and hopefully people will keep their mouths SHUT!!! Im sorry that you have to deal with dumb insenitive people:( Also im sorry that I didn't do your true false thing! Im a bad friend! dont' hate me

Sarah Z said...

I don't know how it feels, but I can only imagine. I am sorry that people are SO naive! Can't they tell your kids are as beautiful as you?!

Anonymous said...

That would drive me insane too! I can't believe the things people say. How incredibly ignorant and rude! I'm sorry you have to put up with that :(

Breanna said...

People are so rude! I cant believe she said that. Im so sorry!

Justi said...

Yeah, that was awfully rude of her....That would piss me off....(((HUGS)))

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