I've said it before, and I'll say it again...my little Kaylie is a drama queen! I love her to pieces! But she has some new things she likes to do to prove that she is a drama queen. The past few months she has been a really good sleeper, goes to bed at about 8 and wakes up maybe once during the night and then in the morning at 8 or 9. Well the past week she has decided to wake up every 3 hours. So the other night I said enough was enough. She woke up at about 1 am wanting to eat and I wouldn't let her, I rocked her for a few minutes and she fell right to sleep. I layed her in her crib and she instantly woke up. So I let her cry in the crib for about 20 minutes. Her and I share a room so I could see her head bobbing around in the crib. The next thing I know she is pulling down the bumper pads and banging her head on the crib!!! I couldn't believe it. I of course picked her up and got her to calm down so she wouldn't seriously injure herself. So now when I am rocking her to sleep and she doesn't want to go to sleep or she is overtired she will bang her head all over my shoulder and collar bone. I will hopefully get a video of it soon so you can see what I'm talking about. She is all over the place! It's pretty funny, but also frustrating when I'm trying to get her to sleep. And of course she still scratches herself. She scratches her ears and neck when she is hungry, and does it in a fast motion, so dramatically. She is a handful for sure but soooo much fun to have in our family. When she is not being a drama queen she is so happy and sweet. The smile on her face just melts my heart every time. She is loving being able to crawl around everywhere and follow her brother and I. She is all over the place;
crawling under tables,
down the hall, almost off my bed, any place she can go, she will go.
It's so fun to watch Jaden and Kaylie play together.
Jaden is such a good big brother. Last week my friend was babysitting the kids and she said that her and Jaden left the room for a few minutes, and left Kaylie with her husband and she started to cry. Jaden stopped instantly and ran back to make sure Kaylie was okay. The other day Kaylie spit up on the floor and Jaden ran to get a bib and wiped her face and the floor! I couldn't believe it! He is so smart and so sweet. He even shares his toys with her! He even tries to pick her up now and hold her, and give her hugs and kisses all the time. I love my kids sooo much and I am so grateful for the sweet spirits that they are. I love that they are both so different and have their own personalities, but they are both extremely sweet kids. I love being their mama! 
Boating with the McCammons
2 years ago
I can't believe she was banging her head on the crib, that silly little gal. It's crazy how smart little kids can be, they know what they need to do to finally make the parents be like "okay, your are to the virge of killing yourself, what in the world do you need" they are so cute. I love Jaden is such a cute and protective little brother to her.
SO GENE did the exact same thing and he still bangs his head on things...couch, bed, floor when he is fighting his sleep or to get our attention. We now ignore him, when he realizes he is just being a complete crazy person...DRAMATIC...he stops and either falls asleep with his blankie(YEAH>>>No more binky) or goes and plays. I have been dealing with his Dramatics since he's been born! Well, you have prob witnessed Gene. HAHAHA. They are so lovable!
Jaden is a stud. Way to go mom!
Aww, what a sweet big brother!! It's amazing what a 16 month old can do and understand! You sure have a couple of cuties :)
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