Seriously, where does the time go?!!? Kaylie is already 3 months old. I am loving her more and more everyday. She is still my drama queen though, that's for sure. :) When she needs or wants something she will LET you know! But she is also such a sweet little girl. Today I was holding her on my lap and I said to Jaden "are you eating a cookie?" and I kept saying cookie in a high-pitched voice and Kaylie LOOOVED it. She was laughing so hard. It was adorable!!! She is still very strong and getting stronger each day. She rolls over onto her back all of the time. She likes standing up on my lap rather than sitting on my lap. She is sleeping so well through the night. She only wakes up once. Last night she woke up at about 4 and only drank 2 ounces and went back to sleep so I have decided that its time to start sleep training her through the night! We'll see how that goes! Here are some recent pictures of my little 3 month old girl. :)

Boating with the McCammons
2 years ago
ahhhh she is so cute--I love her
What a pretty little girl! I love the picture of her with the wand!
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