Tonight we had a family birthday party for Jaden at my dad's house. It was a lot of fun! Jaden had so much fun playing with toys. He rrreally had fun getting into everything at Grandpa's house. He loves going to new places and discovering new things to play with. He got a lot of fun presents. Uncle Ryan gave him a basketball hoop! I'm excited about that! Grandpa gave him some nice shirts; Golden and Crystal and the girls gave him some cars and a book; Don gave him a big farm truck; and Aunt Angie gave him a BYU t-shirt! GO COUGARS! He had fun tearing open the presents, and then he would throw them to the side when he was done looking at them. It was pretty funny. He absolutely loved it when we sang Happy Birthday to him (twice). He got the biggest smile ever and started dancing a little bit. I put the cake in front of him with the candle lit and he was just staring intensely at it, I'm sure he was ready to attack it and put it right in his mouth. He loves cake! It was a great party tonight with the family. We always have a lot of fun when we all get together. It's always loud and full of good jokes, oh and of course good food. I was pretty proud of myself today, I made 2 pans of chicken enchiladas for everyone and Jaden's birthday cake. I managed to do that this morning and take care of my 2 babies at the same time. It was a busy, but very fun day. And I'm excited for Jaden's actual birthday tomorrow! Here are some pictures from the party tonight....

Boating with the McCammons
2 years ago
your babies look so cute together! they look so much alike! Happy Birthday to Jaden!
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