Another cute thing Jaden said...
Me: "Jaden, are we friends?"
Jaden: "No we're BFFs!"
This kid's memory is amazing, I've said that before, but it really is! If I ever need to be reminded of anything I just tell Jaden and he'll remember for me. For example I will tell him the night before that we need to go to the store and get apple juice or diapers. The next day when we go to the store I ask him what I needed and he reminds me, "diapers, apple juice, wipes and eggs." He can remember the whole list. His smart little brain amazes me everyday!

Jaden is officially potty trained. He is doing awesome. He was having a hard time going poop on the potty so I started the "poop chart." Each time he goes poop on the potty he gets to put a Cars sticker on his chart. Once he gets 4 stickers he gets a toy of his choice. This is all he has been talking about the past few days. He tells anyone that comes over about his poop chart and shows them his stickers. So far 2 down, 2 more to go. :)
The other night/morning at 3 am Jaden came into my room and said "mommy I made a messy all over my bed and pillow." I looked at him and he had throw up all over him. Poor little guy. He slept with me the rest of the morning and he threw up one more time (into the bowl thank goodness). The next day he was much better, but still a little weak and not his normal self. I hate seeing my kids sick, it makes me sad. He's doing better now and I hope he is all better tomorrow so we can go out and play!
Kaylie is saying new words daily. It's so much fun to hear her little voice speak. The cute look she gets on her face when she is telling me something and I am trying to understand and translate. I love it. She will just smile at me until I understand what she is saying and then say "yeah!" and be so excited.
Kaylie definitely knows what she wants. Ask her a question and you will get an answer right away, yes or no. She doesn't even have to think about it. Jaden takes awhile and will ponder and think about if he wants some apple sauce or not or whatever it is. Kaylie on the other hand will say it right away. This girl knows what she wants and you better give it to her. :)
Kaylie loves her big brother. It's so cute how she is always so concerned about him. I will give her something like a fruit snack or her sippy cup and she will say "Nay-din" (which means Jaden). She makes sure that Jaden always has the same thing she does and that he is never left out. She follows him around and likes to do everything he does. Most of the time they get along and have a lot of fun playing together. They are BFF's, too :)

Me: "Jaden, are we friends?"
Jaden: "No we're BFFs!"
This kid's memory is amazing, I've said that before, but it really is! If I ever need to be reminded of anything I just tell Jaden and he'll remember for me. For example I will tell him the night before that we need to go to the store and get apple juice or diapers. The next day when we go to the store I ask him what I needed and he reminds me, "diapers, apple juice, wipes and eggs." He can remember the whole list. His smart little brain amazes me everyday!
Jaden is officially potty trained. He is doing awesome. He was having a hard time going poop on the potty so I started the "poop chart." Each time he goes poop on the potty he gets to put a Cars sticker on his chart. Once he gets 4 stickers he gets a toy of his choice. This is all he has been talking about the past few days. He tells anyone that comes over about his poop chart and shows them his stickers. So far 2 down, 2 more to go. :)
The other night/morning at 3 am Jaden came into my room and said "mommy I made a messy all over my bed and pillow." I looked at him and he had throw up all over him. Poor little guy. He slept with me the rest of the morning and he threw up one more time (into the bowl thank goodness). The next day he was much better, but still a little weak and not his normal self. I hate seeing my kids sick, it makes me sad. He's doing better now and I hope he is all better tomorrow so we can go out and play!
Kaylie is saying new words daily. It's so much fun to hear her little voice speak. The cute look she gets on her face when she is telling me something and I am trying to understand and translate. I love it. She will just smile at me until I understand what she is saying and then say "yeah!" and be so excited.
Kaylie definitely knows what she wants. Ask her a question and you will get an answer right away, yes or no. She doesn't even have to think about it. Jaden takes awhile and will ponder and think about if he wants some apple sauce or not or whatever it is. Kaylie on the other hand will say it right away. This girl knows what she wants and you better give it to her. :)
Kaylie loves her big brother. It's so cute how she is always so concerned about him. I will give her something like a fruit snack or her sippy cup and she will say "Nay-din" (which means Jaden). She makes sure that Jaden always has the same thing she does and that he is never left out. She follows him around and likes to do everything he does. Most of the time they get along and have a lot of fun playing together. They are BFF's, too :)
Your kids are so cute! I love every time you post. :)
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