Tuesday, April 28, 2009

random :)

Jaden went poop in the potty today for the first time! I'm such a proud mom! :) I put him on his potty after his bath this morning and he sat there for a few minutes and got up and said "I did it!" and I looked in it and sure enough there was poop! He was so excited. I would go out and buy pull-ups right now and just get him trained, but I have no money so we'll wait for that. Hopefully this weekend!

Tonight for dinner Nicole was kind enough to make us dinner. We had yummy spaghetti! Kaylie absolutely loved it. I tried to feed her, but I just couldn't feed her fast enough. She just wanted to grab it all so I let her have at it. She actually licked the plate... hehe!

Dancing with the Stars - I came this close to having a heart attack tonight when I thought Melissa was going home. Okay, maybe I'm a little dramatic, but I was so nervous for her! I love Melissa and I think she is one of the best dancers this year and I think she deserves to win. I'm so glad that she didn't get sent home despite her injury! Go Melissa!

I am still loving American Idol. I hope Kris or Adam wins. They deserve it, in my opinion.

I don't have anything else to say :) goodnight!


Rachel said...

Yay for Jaden! I wish Dre was as excited as him about potty training! I can't wait to stop buying diapers, it will be like getting a pay raise :)

Whitney said...

Good job Jaden!!! I love the pictures of Kaylie eating :)
I have to confess, I haven't seen one single second of AI or DWTS :( Now-a-days all I care about is OTH...and stupid CW had to eff that one up on Monday :p (I'm still a little bitter, he he)

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