Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whatever Wednesday

My vacation couldn't come any faster...these next couple of days I may go crazy. Whatever!

It's April 28th and it's snowing. Enough said. Whatever!!!

I'm tired of my kids not going to bed good and not staying asleep all night. I'm thinking of hiring my friend Andrea to help. Her kids are bedtime angels. Whatever!

I'm so sick of fluctuating up and down 3 pounds, can I just lose 15 more pounds already? Whatever!

Why does tanning have to be bad for me? Can I just be mixed like my kids? Whatever!

I'm not a patient person. Don't tell me to be patient. When I want something, I want it. :) Whatever!!!

p.s. I promise for a better, more positive post's Thankful Thursday!


Bridget said...

I like whatever wednesday...whatever :)

Mich said...

I like your Whatever Wednesdays. I am having one myself- a child throwing non-stop fits, papers to write and tests to take, a 25 pound weight gain in 5 months- Whatever!

Andrea Tao said...

Awsome post! You can send your kids to my bedtime boot camp.

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