Friday, April 9, 2010

Fill in the blank Friday

Thanks Nicole for sharing this blog, what a fun idea!

1. The strangest thing I've ever eaten was snails...ewwww.

2. My best friend is my mama! She rocks :)

3. If could live in a different era, I would want to live in the 50's!!! I love the poodle skirts, the music and the fun dancing! Oh and the hairdos!

4. I like to have girl time and chit-chat.

5. If you only know one thing about me it should be that I am a good friend and will do anything for those I care about.

6. My favorite book of all time is Why Men Love Bitches...that book pretty much changed my life.

7. The one beauty product I couldn't live without is mascara! As long as I'm tan, I feel pretty good without makeup on, but mascara is a must! Tied for second is Clinique moisturizer and Clinique All About Eyes - gets rid of my tired puffy eyes!

8. Blogging is something I love to do. It helps me keep track of all the little things that I want to remember my kids or myself doing, saying, learning, etc.

9. If I could star in a movie with an actor/actress, I would want to work with Will him! He's hilarious, sexy, friendly and an incredible actor. Also I would love to work with Sandra Bullock, how awesome would that be?!?!

10. One of the best feelings in the world is being in love. Someday...someday!

Feel free to do it, too! :)


Katie said...

yay! im gonna do this tooo!

Nicole said...

Yay! I'm glad you did it too! :) The girl I got it from posts it weekly on her blog, every Friday. Love it.

AND I think I want to check out that book! hmmm.

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