Thursday, January 15, 2009

MoMMy SuRvEy!

1-How long have you been a Mom?
19 months!

2-How many children call you Mommy?
2 :)

3-boy or girl
one boy, one girl!!

4-Did you know what you were having?
yes - I could NOT wait

5-How old were you when you became a Mom?

6-How long were you in labor?
Jaden - like 20 hours
Kaylie - 5-6 hours (I love being induced)

7-What's your favorite thing about being a Mom?
all the hugs and kisses and always having a reason to smile

8-Whats your least favorite thing?
having to feed the kids first when I'm starving!

9-Do you want more kids?
yes :) not for a few more years though

10-Do you plan on having more sooN?

11- How many times have you been peed on?
a few times

12-Spit up on?
a thousand

13-Is your child named after anyone?
Jaden's middle name Aristotle is his dad's favorite greek philosopher. Kaylie's middle name Nicole is named after my best friend :)

14-How did you come up with their names?
I've always loved both their names

15-When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy, mom or dad?
we are both about the same...we don't have to get mad at Jaden much

16-What is the longest you have been away from your child?
3 days, when I went to California to visit Des

17-Bedtime routine?
bottle for Kaylie, books and playing with the kids, binkies and 7:30 bed time for Jaden. Kaylie bed time 8 because she still gets rocked to sleep :)

18-Are your toes painted?

19-Last movie you saw in the theater with your kids?
the last time was when Jaden was like 6 weeks old, AJ and I tried to see Die Hard and we lasted through the previews cuz Jaden started screaming

20-One thing you will not give up just because you're a mom?
getting my hair done and making myself feel pretty

21- One thing you did give up now that you're a mom?
going to the bathroom by myself LOL

22-Best Mom perk:
having beautiful kids that are happy and healthy and sweet. hugs and kisses from them are the best!

24-Your child is napping, you are:
sleeping or blogging :)

25-Where is your child now?
Kaylie is sleeping, Jaden is playing with daddy

26-Favorite place to buy maternity clothes?
ugh - no where....but I guess Charlotte Russe, they have cute loose shirts

27-Would you do it over?
yep - being a mom is the best!!!

Now all you Mom's have to do this!!! :)


Nicole said...

Ok Im really bad at leaving comments im sorry im going to get better i promise!! That survey looks fun im going to do it this weekend... anyway thanks again for being so willing to help me out when this baby comes it means alot.

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