Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jaden's latest....

Funny, cute, smart things Jaden has said...

"Mommy, I want to go to the Eiffel Tower." 

I asked him if he would bring me a diaper for Kaylie and he replies, "Mommy, you have legs,  you get it."

"Mommy my clock is having some trouble." I bought him a new clock for his room to help him stay in his room in the morning. We will see how that works!

"I need something in my mouth for night time." Tonight I took his binkies away for good this time. They are going to the "binky fairy".

"Mommy that is Texas Roadhouse. I went there with daddy and we got you rolls and cheesecake. And daddy paid for them with his blue card." This is what he said when we drove by a Texas Roadhouse the other day. I couldn't believe it, this kid is so freakin smart! We went to Texas Roadhouse back in California months and months ago.

"But the sun is awake now so it's wake up time." He says this when its 6:30 a.m...shoot me.

Jaden heard me talking to Jamie about Daddy and how he doesn't live here and I asked Jaden if he knew where Daddy lives and he said, "He's in California!" 

Whenever we play at the park and there are new kids he doesn't know he will call them all "Friend" and go up to them and talk to them or yell "Friend" which he thinks is their name. :)



Shirley said...

He is such a stud! I bet you are so proud!

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