Monday, May 17, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday (on Monday)

1. The very best thing about the summer is... the heat, the pool, the tan, bbq's, nights

2. My first crush ever.. Jared Morgan was my first hard core crush in 4th grade.

3. This may sound really silly but... I love pizza and it always puts me in a good mood.

4. I squeeze my toothpaste from...the middle...used to drive AJ crazy ha!

5. My absolute favorite "comfort food" is... bread, rolls, bread, rolls, bread, rolls :)

6. A random fact about me is... I'm not a chocolate-lover.

7. The one piece of technology that truly makes my life better and I couldn't live!!! I would say my iphone if I had one...hopefully someday!


Nicole said...

hmmmmmmmm I want a roll now! with a piece of yummie bread! haha. ;)

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