We celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends last night. Jack and I made a DELICIOUS turkey all by ourselves. We had a TON of food - turkey, Jack's famous mashed potatoes and gravy, salads, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mac and cheese casserole, yummy bread with sauce, pies, etc. We started talking about what we are all thankful for and decided it is dating sites. Why? Because that is how all of us met. Jamie met Patti on Singlesnet; Patti met Slim Shaney on Singlesnet; Patti met myself and Ben because of Jamie; Matt and Tanya met on Match.com; and of course Jamie and I met on Singlesnet; and that is how we are all linked together.
I am so grateful that we have such great friends and have a blast hanging out together. They really are like a second family to me. 

(Patti and Jack have me addicted to Scrabble now - and this time I kicked butt! I won!)
(this was right before Kaylie threw up all over Patti's carpet. Poor girl was sick the rest of the night - so we ended the night early.)

(Jaden was there, but he was too busy playing with his friends.)
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