Monday, September 6, 2010

fill in the blank friday :)

1.  If I didn't have to work anymore I about I get paid with actual money to be a single mom? :) that sounds better.

2.  My favorite thing about a vacation is...complete relaxation and worry-free. 

3.  When packing for a trip I get stressed and completely over-pack.

4.  If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose...Nicole, since we haven't done it before. It'd be sooo fun!!!

5.  My top 3 absolute travel essentials, phone, music.

6.  Vacations are...the best thing ever! It's such a great mood-lifter and a way to re-energize yourself.

7.  On vacation you must and not worry! hakunah matata!!! :)


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