Tuesday, September 28, 2010

fake friends

You just have to learn to forget about the people that forgot about you

Tonight I googled "fake friends" and that is one of the quotes I found. Less than a year ago I became "friends" with some great girls. Looking back, I realized they were only my friends. I wasn't considered their friend. They didn't truly care about me or my children. I did a lot for them and their families. I never noticed it was all one-sided. My problem is is that I believe in people too much and want to be loved like that in return. I guess I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'm tired of being the friend that is convenient for someone to have around and easy to kick to the curb. 
I am thankful for the true friends that I do have in my life. The friends that support me and love me through all of my strengths and weaknesses. You know who you are.


Jeff and Emily said...

I couldn't agree more with this post! This has happened to me a bunch of times and it just sucks. I would love to get together with you and let our kids hang out sometime. I'm pretty sure Kaylie and Milo were meant to fall in love:)

Katie said...

What's sad is it's really hard to know who the "fake" friends will be :( I keep getting surprised, but thankfully the true friends are really really the bestest friends! And you do have some awesome ones! Love you!

Andrea Tao said...

I'm curious to know who these "Fake" friends were. Hopefully no one I know

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