who's at the door?" When they opened it, Kaylie's face was PRICELESS...she put both hands on her cheeks and said, "Mommy!" in her sweet, soft voice. It melted my heart! Jaden got a huge smile on his face and they both started saying "mommy! mommy!" They were so excited to come back home with us, but also sad to say goodbye to Daddy. That night we stayed in a really gross, ghetto hotel. The first room we got in was NOT clean at all, we had to ask for another one. The next one was decent, but we learned our lesson, never stay in a cheap hotel again!
We took them to see the movie Shrek 3 on Wednesday night. Jamie and the kids ate a bunch of popcorn and we had a great time.
We went to the zoo on Thursday. We had a lot of fun! The kids loved the train ride and the carousel. They also loved the little ancient room where they got to play drums, and hear a nice lady read them a story about a crocodile and a monkey. It was really cute to watch them be so fascinated with the story.
Jaden is my smart, sweet, sensitive, happy, energetic boy. He's my little energizer bunny. He keeps going and going and going. :) He starts his day bright and early, as soon as the "sun is awake." He is full of questions and wants to know everything. He also still remembers everything. His little brain is full of information and memories. I am just in awe of the things he remembers and talks about. He is sooo smart. He is extremely sensitive, which is okay with me. I love that he is my sweet boy. :) When I have to discipline him, I can't really yell or raise my voice because he will just cry and cry. I have to be very careful how I discipline him. (Kaylie, on the other hand, I can yell at her and it hardly phases her.) Lol :)
His favorite things lately are...cars of course! Thomas the train, any trains, riding his bike, licorice, books, coloring or painting and singing. His favorite tv shows are Kick Buttowski, Dora, Toot and Puddle, Team Umizoomi and Little Einsteins.
Kaylie is my sweet, sassy, feisty, pretty, helper, little princess. :) She goes around the house DAILY, spinning in her dress saying "I am PRINCESS!" She loves to help me and do anything and everything I'm doing, even repeating what I say to Jaden if he is in trouble. It's pretty cute. She is still full of attitude. :) She hates being restricted from anything. Most of the time I change her clothes or pull up she throws a little tantrum. If I ask her to do something she doesn't want to do, bring on the tantrum. :) Oh my little Kiki, I love her! When she isn't in a diva mood, she is soooo sweet and cuddly. She LOVES to cuddle, hug and kiss. I take naps with her in her bed and she loves to hold my hand as we fall asleep. It's my favorite thing for sure.
Her favorite things lately are...Dora, Dora, Dora. :) Barbies, ponies, mommy's stuff, singing, dress-up, books, coloring, pillows, and binkies. Both of the kids LOVE to sing and will break out in song many times, day or night. Their favorite songs to sing are "Real Gone" which is the Cars theme song, and "Life is a Highway" and also Katy Perry's "California Gurls." I love it. I love when they sing.
I just love my kids! Thanks for reading :)
Yay! cute blog, the kiddies are sooooo fun ♥
cute! i bet you are so happy to get them home! they look so grown up!
Adorable :) <3 I'm glad they are back with you!
and that last picture, of them hugging, is priceless. They're so lucky to have built-in best friends like that. Love it.
Hi Lauren,
I have a son who is a few days younger than Jaden. His name is Kaden and he is super sensitive too. I think it's a gemini thing, lol. He is full of questions and a very sweet child. It's amazing how kids personalities differs. Kaden was a big Little Einstein fan last year, he also loved Yo Gabba Gabba. His latest interest is the movie Coraline. He watches that moving everyday. He told me that he did not want button for eyes. He makes my heart melt everyday with the things he say. I enjoy reading your blog and i'm so happy that you found happiness.
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