We are having so much fun here in Arizona. The kids are having fun with their grandma and grandpa and I am enjoying some much needed "me" time.
I have hung out a couple times with my friend Lauren, yes we are both Laurens. We've been called Lauren sandwich, Lauren squared, and Double L. It's pretty fun. She is a great friend and we always have a lot of fun together. We layed out at the pool all day last Sunday, it was very enjoyable.
I took Kaylie with me swimming to go hang out with my friend Camille and her baby Avery. Kaylie loved the water and was happy the whole time. 

Last Friday we celebrated my mom's birthday. We went and ate at California Pizza Kitchen and had some yummy food. The kids weren't so well-behaved, thankfully we are fast eaters. I had to hold Kaylie the whole time. She just loves me so much, what can I say? :)

Jaden started acting really grumpy and whiney today, it was so bad that finally my mom said that something has to be wrong with him. I didn't think there was anything wrong, I was just thinking he was tired or just in a bad mood. Well I took him to urgent care tonight and sure enough he has an ear infection and a swollen throat. Poor guy. We got him some medicine so hopefully he starts feeling better soon. I want my sweet little angel back. :) He was so excited to go to the doctor. He was saying "doctor, doctor!" the whole car ride there and then when we got there he had to take "his" purse with him inside. haha! Don't tell his daddy, but he loves my purses. :)
Here are just some of my favorite pictures since we've been here.
It's so fun! love having you here :)
Man you are TAN!! I'm jealous :)
Love all the pictures. Looks like you guys are having a blast in Arizona.
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