Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that I get to wake up to these two precious faces everyday.

I am thankful for AJ listening to me, even when I don't think he is listening and surprising me with presents in the mail.

I am thankful that my mom and Walt and their dog Remi are coming next week to visit us!

I am thankful to have Abbey as my amazing photographer. I can't wait to have Kaylie's 2 year old pictures done in April.

I am thankful for Thursdays because I absolutely love to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. (Team Sam and Addison!!!)

I am thankful for my patience. Some of you may laugh because most of you know I am very impatient, BUT I do know that when it comes to my kids, most of the time I am very patient. I know it has a lot to do with why they are so happy all of the time.

I am thankful for making new friends. Andrea is a girl in my same building and she has such a cute family and she helps me out a lot! She wasted 2 hours of her time to help me with my video for my application. I am looking forward to getting to know her and her friends more.

I am thankful that Jaden is on his way to being completely potty trained. No more diapers for him, just Cars pull-ups for naps and nighttime.

I am thankful to be back in my workout mode. I've been to the gym everyday this week and it feels great!

I am thankful for nights like tonight where my kids were extremely giggly and happy and laughed at pretty much anything I said or did.

I am thankful that my kids love each other and give each other hugs and kisses daily.


Nicole said...

Cute cute cute!! Can't wait until kaylie is better so we can play!

Rachel said...

Fun post! Pictures are adorable!!

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