Friday, February 12, 2010

A Good Grief

My friend Andrea posted this story on her blog because she was able to do this ladies' hair before she went on Studio 5 to share her story.
Take some time and read this blog and then go hug your kids a little tighter.

I read this tonight just a few minutes ago, after a struggle of putting Jaden to bed. He has started throwing more tantrums and getting really worked up when I put him to bed. I do everything I can to get him to calm down. He just wants to stay up, even though he is extremely tired. Well tonight I decided to just hold him and sing to him and wait until he calmed down. I'm glad I did and I'm glad I was patient with him.

I love my children sooo much. Thank you, Andrea for posting Molly's story on your blog. I hope this touches other hearts as well.


christiansen family said...

Isn't that like the saddest story EVER! I have followed Molly's blog for almost two years now, it was actually like a week after Lucy passed away and I haven't missed reading a post yet. Her blog is always a good reminder, it makes me especially emotional because her little Lucy I feel like looks a lot like my little Sadie with blonde golden locks and blue eyes, and it reminds me that it could really happen to anyone.

Mich said...

My bro-in-law was one of the doctors at Primary's when this happened. I remember him telling me that story a couple years ago. Such a tragic story, but a good reminder. You'd be surprised how many freak accidents like that happen almost everyday. I can't even think about it or I get way too paranoid.

:: ashley :: said...

gosh.. between that and this family.. blogs this week are making me paranoid, so sad. It makes me want to get cpr certified real bad

Holly Fry said...

This is the worst story ever. I just can't stand it. My heart goes out to them!

Sarah Z said...

Thanks for making my mascara run...

Rachel said...

Wow i can't even imagine...i read that story that ashley mentioned too and they are both heart breaking. Makes me want to just sit and hug my kids all day!!

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