Thank you to those of you that gave me your advice/opinion about cosmetology school. I finally have made my decision and I am going to start January 5th! For real this time! Tomorrow I go to the school and sign the contract. On Monday I went with Jaden and Kaylie on a tour at Kindercare in Orem. I told Jaden it was going to be his new school and he was so excited. He kept saying he wanted to take his backpack to school with him. I assured him that he could do that really soon. I was very impressed with the daycare and the teachers. I am so excited for Jaden and Kaylie to learn and do so many things while they are there. They will be in separate classes which I think will be very good for them. They could use some time apart each day. They love each other, but they also get on each other's nerves.
I can't believe how much Kaylie has grown up in the past few months. She is looking more like a big girl everyday. She's doesn't look like a baby anymore!
Grandma sent Jaden a nice new, warm coat and a hat. Jaden was so excited to try them on. When he put on the hat he said "mommy, it's my firetruck hat!" He insisted on sleeping with it on during his nap. He loves his firetruck hat and his new coat. Thank you Grandma!!!

Grandma sent Jaden a nice new, warm coat and a hat. Jaden was so excited to try them on. When he put on the hat he said "mommy, it's my firetruck hat!" He insisted on sleeping with it on during his nap. He loves his firetruck hat and his new coat. Thank you Grandma!!!
Yay! Congrats on going to cosemetology school! Which one are you going to?
Yay I am soo excited foryou. And I think Kindercare will be a good choice.
Hey! Yay! I've been gone from the blogging world (stupid school) for awhile now, and hadn't even read your advice post about school. But I am SUPER excited for you that you are going now!! How fun! You will be so good at it! (and I'll even let you try your skills on me.. tee~hee)
And, your kids will enjoy learning and being with our kids. It's good!
Yay! Congrats! :D
I am so excited for you! I missed out on the advice post too, but it's always good to do something for yourself that you will love. It's not putting yourself first at all, especially since the kids will love their school and you will love the interaction of adults. :) I kind of miss school so I am a bit jealous. You will be fabulous. Remember you totally deserve it!
I am glad you decided to go! You will be amazing! Plus then you get to have fun doing all of our hair =) Much love! Keep us posted on how it all goes once you start!!! AND dont even worry about it, your kids will be great and do fine in their new adventure!!!
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