Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who wears short-shorts?

My sister Angie is hilarious. Last weekend my sisters and I went shopping together and on our drive home we were listening to the radio. A song came on and she turned it up loud and here's how the conversation went...

Angie: Ohhh who sings this song?
me: I have no idea.
Angie: Is it that girl who sings "Who wears short shorts!!!" (sings the tune of the Nair commercial, Who Wears Short-shorts"
me: (laughing so hard...) Angie, that's a commercial...
Angie: Well it's something about shorts and high-heels or something, I like that song. She's really popular.
me: Taylor Swift??? (still laughing)

Megan and I were laughing sooo hard. You had to be there...


Katie said...

ohhh so fun, wish I had been there tooo :)

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