Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yesterday my brother Ryan, Jaden, Kaylie and I were laying on the floor reading books. Jaden was pointing out all the different things he knew and just for fun I pointed to a circle and asked what shape it was. I have never taught him shapes yet so I didn't think he would know, but sure enough he did! He said circle, then pointed to a square and said square and then pointed to a triangle and said triangle. I was floored! I was ecstatic, clapping my hands, high fives all around, it was awesome. I was such a proud mommy. I'm tellin ya it is all the tv shows that he watches. I don't care what people say that kids shouldn't watch tv when they are this little. My son is a freakin smarty pants because of it. All the shows like Dora, Diego, Super Why, Little Einsteins, they all teach him so much stuff. It's awesome!

Tomorrow is my big moving day! I really should be sleeping right now, but I am too wound up and excited. I can't wait to be all settled in our new place. I will take pictures asap. :)

Tomorrow is also a big day because The Bachelorette finale is on!!! woohoo :) I'm such a nerd, but I love it and I don't care. I am very interested to see who she picks. This is the first season where I really have no clue what guy she will pick. Reid is coming back, so she will have 3 to choose from. I still like Kiptyn the best. Ed is boring!

I ♥ Big Brother. I think that show is so dang good. That's all I have to say now :)



Rachel said...

I let Dre watch those shows too and he loves them! It's so fun seeing him learn and starting to understand things.
Good luck on moving, can't wait to see pictures!
I'm excited for the bachelorette finale tonight too! Me and some friends are having a bachelorette party :)

Katie said...

Yep, Jaden is soooo smart :)

Breanna said...

I hope your doing great in your new place! Yay Jaden!!!

Bridget said...

I keep forgetting to check your blog because for some reason your blog never updates, It says you posted last 6 mo ago. So anyway! Getting into BB? I am :) Who are you liking this season? I am hating the athletes minus Jeff. Stupid Ronnie! Your kids are so cute! I totally believe tv watching teaches! talk to you soon!

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