Friday, July 8, 2011
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 11:28 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 4:54 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
I had an awesome Mother's Day weekend! The BEST one yet. Saturday morning Erick stayed home with Jaden and Kartr(Erick's son) and Kaylie and I had "mommy and Kiki" time. It's so cute to hear her little voice say "I love Mommy and Kiki time." We went to Jamba Juice and got smoothies and then went to Ross and did some shopping. Kaylie loves to shop just like me. :) She kept grabbing things saying we should get this and we should get Jaden this, or I want this. She was such a good girl and we had so much fun together. I bought her a little princess purse that she wanted. A few people complimented her and told her how pretty she is and each time she smiled and said "thank you."
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 3:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I'm starting a new job on Monday (with the same company). I'll be doing patient collections. I'm a little nervous, but am glad I get to stay in the company. My current department is laying people off which is a total bummer because I LOVE my job. I am thankful for the opportunity and will make the best of it!
Moving 3 times in one week? Yep, that's us. I'm pretty sure I broke a record! We are finally settled in our new apartment and it's been good. It's only one mile from work and the kids' school which is awesome. I'm very happy with it and the kids seem to be happy, too. (I'm pretty sure my family isn't too happy though because they were the ones that helped me move. lol :)
I hate not having cable. I hate not having dvr. I miss my shows!!! I'm sick of watching my shows online at work on Saturdays. Today is my last Saturday working so now I don't know how I'm going to watch my shows! Don't even get me started on missing this season of American Idol. I've heard nothing but good things about it and I can't even watch it. GRRRR!
Thursday night my awesome sister babysat my kids so Erick and I could go on a date. We ate dinner at Pizza Factory and went bowling at Fat Cats. The first game I kicked his butt, and the second game he won by only a few points. I was quite proud of myself. :) We had such a good time together and I'm so thankful for my sister for giving us some alone time. My kids always love when Meme comes over because she does such fun things. This time they colored Easter eggs. :)
I'm tired of getting yelled at on the phone by a bunch of old, crabby people. Most of them that call in at work think they know everything and that their situation is the most important. I really really really hope and pray that I am not one of those grumpy, rude, miserable, selfish, old women.
Did I mention I HATE not having cable?!?!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 2:50 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Kaylie's Birthday
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 8:40 AM 1 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
Happy Birthday to Kaylie!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 7, 2011
{one} if you won a trip to Disneyland/world, who would you take with you?
Daddy, Jaden and Kaylie
{two} when was the last time you listened to a CD?
this morning in my car - Britney Spears new cd and Katy Perry :) love them!!!!
{three} what spice/seasoning is your favorite?
garlic powder!
{four} if you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?
pop or country
{five} if you could have personally witnessed one historical event, which one would it be?
When President Obama became president
{six} if you could go back to school, what would you study?
nursing school
{seven} if you could go to one sporting event, all expenses paid, which one would you see?
OMG no doubt about it, DALLAS COWBOYS!!! playing the Giants or Patriots or Saints in Cowboys stadium
{eight} do you drive an automatic or a manual?
{nine} are you comfortable speaking in front of people?
sure why not
{ten} have you ever experienced an earthquake?
yes, in first grade I was in my mom's bathroom getting ready for school
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 5:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
K for Kaylie!!!
I love love love to hug and kiss Kiki. She is so affectionate and so loving. She is soooo sweet to kids and babies that are smaller than her. She likes to take care of them and hug them and play with them. She has such a big heart and is my little sweetie pie. :o)

Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:02 AM 1 comments