Mommy loves blogging, football, music, working out, tv shows, Facebook, taking pictures, texting, chick flicks, singing, cuddling with my kids.
Jaden loves school, Cars, choo-choo trains, playing at the park, chocolate, airplanes, learning new things, asking questions, music, singing, swimming, playing with friends.
Kaylie loves helping, babies, Dora, cuddling, music, cereal, princesses, dolls, putting on my makeup, Barbies, hide and seek.
Jamie and I went to Vegas this weekend and stayed at his dad's house. The purpose of going down there this time was to pick up my kids on Sunday! The plan was to meet AJ and the kids at 10 am Sunday morning in Vegas. Well that didn't happen. AJ didn't show up until 3 pm Sunday. I am just glad that I was already in Vegas for the weekend or else I would have been waiting in Vegas for 5 hours! I pulled up and Jaden was driving his Lightning around the parking lot (it was empty) and he didn't realize it was me until after I got out of the car and called his name. Kaylie was so surprised to see me and says "mommy!" in her cute little voice and jumps into my arms. I was so happy to be hugging them again!
We got home at almost 1 in the morning. Jaden did an excited yell when we got out of the car and saiys, "my house!!!" and when we got to the door to unlock it he says "my toys are in there!" They were standing out on the balcony, while we were bringing in all the stuff, jumping up and down and giggling and screaming with excitement. I didn't care, I was just so happy to see them so happy. I let them stay up and play for a half hour and run around and get all their excitement out.
I had Jamie take a picture of us before we went to bed.
I love my kids so much!!! I have been hugging and kissing them like crazy since they've been back. I am way more patient with them. :) Oh and I'm also extremely tired! body isn't used to taking care of two toddlers 24/7. After 6 weeks of only taking care of myself, I forgot what it was like! I am very happy they are back though and love to see their cute little faces anytime I want.
I can imagine how happy you are to have them back. I was away from my kids for a little over a week and i missed them so much. That's awesome that you got some time to yourself though, every mom needs that!!!
yaya, I'm so glad they are back, too!
Cute post! So glad they are back! love them:)
I can imagine how happy you are to have them back. I was away from my kids for a little over a week and i missed them so much. That's awesome that you got some time to yourself though, every mom needs that!!!
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