I had an awesome Mother's Day weekend! The BEST one yet. Saturday morning Erick stayed home with Jaden and Kartr(Erick's son) and Kaylie and I had "mommy and Kiki" time. It's so cute to hear her little voice say "I love Mommy and Kiki time." We went to Jamba Juice and got smoothies and then went to Ross and did some shopping. Kaylie loves to shop just like me. :) She kept grabbing things saying we should get this and we should get Jaden this, or I want this. She was such a good girl and we had so much fun together. I bought her a little princess purse that she wanted. A few people complimented her and told her how pretty she is and each time she smiled and said "thank you."

Then we went home and Erick told me he'd be right back. He went outside for a minute and then came back with a boquet of tulips! Tulips are my FAVORITE flowers. I was so surprised! He had them delivered to the apartment office so he could go get them for me and even included a very sweet card. It made me cry. :) I was so touched and so happy.
We had a fun day with the kids and then went and ate at Santa Monica Pizza company, one of my favorite places to eat. After that we went to Walmart and Erick bought a new TV! It is so nice. Neither one of us has ever had a big screen fancy tv so we were both pretty excited.
Mother's Day was a great day, Erick woke up with the kids and let me sleep in. I slept til about 11 and woke up and hung out with him and the kids for a little bit and then he took them to the park to play. I stayed home and watched some tv and enjoyed the peace and quiet and then used my gift card he got me to go get my nails done, eyebrows and lip waxed. It was a great day! I am so so so so blessed to have Erick in my life and my amazing kids. I love them so much. I will never forget this Mother's Day.
My mom mailed me a gift card to Forever 21 and also a beautiful, sweet card. I put it in a frame because I loved it so much. It's hanging on the wall in my apartment.