On to more positive, happy things...Kaylie is trying to potty train herself. Which is awesome!!! She's been wearing pull ups and will just go to her little potty, pull her pants down and go potty and she has even gone poop all by herself! She is a smart little girl and will be potty trained before I know it!
She is talking more and more every day. It's so cool to hear her saying new things and trying to translate what she is saying. She is actually getting really clear with his words and other people are able to understand what she is saying. Her new thing is she says "Doing?" which means "what are you doing?" and she asks me that a hundred times a day. I will tell her what I'm doing and then she will say "okay." She's soooo cute, I love my little Kiki. She is such a sweet little girl and is always wanting to help everyone. She is especially sweet to her little friends and wants to help them if they get hurt at the park or give them hugs and kisses.
Most of you HATE the Barney song, "I love you" you know the one that they sing at the end of each episode. Well I don't, I love it! Only because my kids always come running to me and want to hold my hands like they do on the show and then hug and kiss at the parts where you are supposed to. It's so cute, the 3 of us just hold hands and sway back and forth and sing the song together. Jaden knows every single word. I gotta get someone to take a picture sometime!
Daddy bought Jaden and Kaylie the coolest pillows for them to cuddle with at night...Kaylie got Dora (it's huge!)
...they are in heaven. Thanks Daddy, you're the best!
American Idol was great tonight...wow Usher is so yummy! :) He did awesome with the contestants and had a lot of good feedback and of course looked sooo handsome. He's such a player but I totally love him!