Grandma bought Kaylie a new dress for the spring. I put it on her today to make sure it fit and I couldn't stand how cute she looked so of course I took a picture! Jaden wanted to be included in the fashion show so he put on the diaper cover that goes with the dress.
He is a silly little boy. Kaylie was laughing so hard at him. It was pretty cute.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Kaylie's new dress
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 7:34 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thankful Thursday
10 things I am thankful for this week:
1. I am extremely thankful for having a safe, clean place that my kids and I live in. I watched Oprah yesterday and it was all about homeless people and it made me so sad. There are so many people going through really hard times in their lives. Families without homes, people without jobs, nothing to eat, no showers, etc. I am just very grateful for my family and for AJ and all the support I get to help take care of my kids and I.
2. I am thankful that Jaden and Kaylie are healthy and happy kids.
3. I am thankful for antibiotics and medicine that help my kids and I get all better!
4. I am thankful for Nicole E. that hooked me up with discounted tickets for the Britney Spears concert. My sister and I are going and I am sooooo excited. I haven't been to a concert in a few years. It will be nice to get out and shake my booty and sing along to Britney and have fun with my sister. I love Britney!
5. I am thankful for my values and the things I have learned about life. I am thankful that I was raised to know right from wrong and be able to pass that on to my children.
6. I am thankful for my computer. It's my third baby! I love to be able to stay in touch with family and friends through email and chat. I love taking a million pictures. I love digital scrapbooking, downloading and listening to music, watching shows, reading celeb gossip. etc!
7. I am thankful for my contacts. Without them I would be blind.
8. I am thankful for my washer and dryer. I do laundry every few days and I could not survive without them.
9. I am thankful that I am able to understand others feelings and have compassion toward them and their problems.
10. I am thankful that I am me!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Watch out Nick Lachey (my hubby) because this girl has a new crush!
Some of you may be like who the heck is this guy? This is Adam from the top 12 of American Idol. I don't know what it is, but I think he is sooo cute. I actually don't know if he is straight or gay. I need to ask my friend Colby who has "gay-dar" and see what he thinks. All I know is he is sexy!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Whatever Wednesday!
Kaylie and I went to the doctor today. She has an ear infection and a sore throat. I have a sinus infection and a sore throat. We got drugs, but we still are miserable. WHATEVER!
Today we were waiting in the doctor's office and Jaden was playing with one of the toys and a little boy came in and started playing with him. Well about 2 minutes later the boys mom says "oh no he has pink eye, I'm sorry." This is after her son had touched all of the toys! Are you kidding me?!?! Common sense people...if your kid has pink eye, don't let them play with toys that other kids are going to touch. WHATEVER!
My friend was extremely nice enough to give me Photo Shop. Now I have to figure out how the heck to work it! WHATEVER!
If Jason (the Bachelor) doesn't pick Melissa next week I will be mad! WHATEVER!
Tomorrow is the Rascal Flatts concert and I don't get to go. WHATEVER!
Just when ya think spring is coming, snow shows up on the 10 day forecast. WHATEVER!
The people that live below me STILL have not done their part and taken the trash out every Wednesday. WHATEVER!
I washed Jaden and Kaylie's car seat covers tonight and they are such a pain to put back on. They just don't look right, but I gave up cuz I was about to drop some swear words. WHATEVER!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 10:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Jaden loves to dance!
We have all been sick with bad colds this past week and it sucks! We have been stuck in the house for days. Most of the time we are listening to music and dancing or watching shows. Here is Jaden dancing. (ignore my stuffy-nose singing)
Here's my little Kaylie passed out and miserable from being sick.
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 7:32 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
20 MORE random facts about me (cuz I can't think of 5 more!)
1. I hate cleaning behind toilets and under the sinks, it freaks me out.
2. Sometimes I think it would be nice to give people an earful of what I think about them or the things they do or say. I don't, because I am sweet and don't like to cause conflict.
3. The little things are extremely important to me. In relationships I love to know and share the little things. It's what makes a person who they are.
4. Every morning I have to have Froot Loops for breakfast. They are my favorite.
5. I'm going to start Weight Watchers next week. Go me!
6. It makes me sad that relationships sometimes end because of people's religious beliefs. I was once the person who broke up with a boyfriend because he wasn't a member of my religion. It makes me sad that relationships can't begin because of someones religious beliefs. I could go on and on, but let's just say I think God wants us to be happy no matter who we are with.
7. Since I had 2 babies in a year and a half my hips are pretty messed up. They always pop and make weird noises. I'm not as flexible as I used to be.
8. I like to watch Oprah, The View and Good Things Utah, just to hear the latest gossip and news in the world.
9. I have kissed over 50 people. I lost count a looong time ago. (I was a lip slut, too, Sarah!)
10. I miss working at 24 Hour Fitness. That was the funnest job I have had.
11. I have my Property & Casualty Insurance license. I used to be an insurance agent.
12. I love to eat Smartfood's White Cheddar popcorn. yummmy!
13. Why Men Love Bitches is one of the best books I have ever read.
14. I am the only girl in my family that has sideburns. I have to wax them and I hate them. They are not as bad as that Nikki girl from this season of the Bachelor though, thank goodness!
15. I think Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey are one of the cutest, sweetest, realest couples ever. And Will and Jada of course. :)
16. Growing up I had major issues thinking I was fat. I look back at pictures of me in middle school and high school and oh my goodness I was tiny! It's sad all the pressure teenagers face to be "thin" and beautiful.
17. I love to blast Britney Spears songs and dance with Jaden and Kaylie around the house.
18. Every couple of days I go on a cleaning rampage. It's kind of like pregnancy nesting, except I'm not pregnant. :)
19. I am the youngest daughter in my family and the first to have children. Hopefully my sister Megan will catch up to me soon. :)
20. I read and type really fast. I even have a talent of reading well upside down.
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 8:27 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
ramblin' ramblin'
The Bachelor - Today I read some articles and blogs about the drama going on with Jason, Molly and Melissa. Click here if you wanna read it. Let me just say, this better not be true. If it is I have lost alllll respect for Jason and the whole freakin show! Some of you may be laughing as you read this thinking why the heck do you care Lauren? Well, I just love this show and have been a fan since day one. I don't know if I can wait a week and a half to find out what the heck is going on.
Someone told me the other day that I have a hard time letting go of relationships and holding onto the past. This made me really mad because this person doesn't even know me anymore. Then it made me question myself and wonder if that is the truth. I understand that people have the right to their opinion, but don't share an opinion without knowing the facts. I think I am a very loving person and still have good things to say about all of my past relationships. That doesn't mean that I can't let go of them, thank you very much!
I am almost done with the 3rd book in the Twilight series. I always read a few chapters before I go to bed, maybe that's why I end up dreaming weird dreams about vampires. I've never been one to have weird, sci-fi, dinosaur, stuff like that dreams. Since I have started reading this series, that is no longer the case.
Is anyone else watching True Beauty? I think that is a very good show. I think I mostly just love the look on their faces when the judges tell them the truth about the show. It makes me think a lot about myself and my actions and if I were being videotaped all of the time, if I would have that inner beauty. I honestly think I have inner beauty, definitely more than some of those people on there! Some of the things they say, I'm like wow, they have no shame!
Jaden is sick again. I hate Utah and this cold, crappy weather and inversion. He is coughing his head off and his nose is running like crazy. I feel so bad for him. It's also rough because I had plans to go to my friend Sarah's recipe night and now I can't go. I can't take my germy Jaden to her house. What a bummer! But it's okay, it comes with motherhood :) It's better that I stay home and take care of him.
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:48 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
thankful wednesday
Thankful Wednesday, since I forgot to do it this week. 10 things I'm thankful for this week...
1. I'm thankful that Jaden is a polite little boy already. He always says thank you. The other night at 2 in the morning he woke up and couldn't find his sippy cup in his crib, so I gave it to him and he took out his binkie and said "thank you." He was so tired, but still managed to say it! He's the best.
2. I'm thankful for Facebook and the reconnections I've made with old friends.
3. I'm thankful for my sister Megan and the fun we have together, even if it's just grocery shopping.
4. I'm thankful that I can always count on Kaylie to eat and never have to stress about her not eating. My little girl is a pig. :)
5. I'm thankful for AJ and all that he does for my kids and I.
6. I'm thankful that the weather is getting a little better where we can actually go outside and play for a little bit. It's still freakin' cold though!
7. I'm thankful for cute pajamas on sale for $1.50 at Walmart. I got some cute Valentine ones for Kaylie. It can be Valentine's Day allll year!
8. I'm thankful for God and his unconditional love and blessings he gives to Jaden, Kaylie and I.
9. I'm thankful for American Idol! I'm thankful that this year everyone on it has actually had real talent.
10. I'm thankful for sleep. I loooooove to sleep. :)
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:55 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I love my pretty girl
I love these pictures of Kaylie. I just love her! She is 10 months old now. I can't believe it! I still look at her and think of her as my little baby. Sometimes I still think she is 6 or 7 months old, but I have to remind myself that she isn't! She is growing up so fast. She is getting so strong, too, she is getting ready to walk in the next month or so. She stands up and motors around everywhere hanging on to things. She can stand up on her own for quite a few seconds. I can't believe it. She is going to be my little adventurous girl. She already is! She is going to be the one that gets into everything and wants to know everything. I will have my hands full, but most of all my heart will be full of love for this pretty girl. She is full of life and personality. I love to make her laugh and hear her cute little giggle. I love that she loves to be with me and have me hold her. I love dressing her up all cute and doing her hair. She hates when I do her hair, but each time is getting better and better. She literally cries and screams, tears streaming down her face. I'm not even hurting her, she just hates to be restrained in any way! It's pretty silly. I love you Kaylie, I'm soooo grateful you're my daughter!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:07 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
♥♥♥Valentine's Day♥♥♥
I had a great Valentine's Day this year. I got one of the best gifts ever from AJ. "He went to Jared!" I had to say it, just like the commercial. He had a package shipped to me earlier in the week and made me wait until Valentine's Day to open it. I was so excited. Here's what he got me...
It's the Jane Seymour collection Open Hearts. He had no idea that I wanted this. I never mentioned it to him, he just knew. I remember seeing the commercials around Christmas thinking how beautiful they are and that it had a great meaning. I wanted the necklace so bad and I got the ring, too! He also included 2 little cards with each one expressing what each symbolize. It is very special to me. Thank you so much AJ.
I got to celebrate Valentine's Day with my whole family. It was a lot of fun. My mom and Walt were still in town so we got together with all of my siblings and their spouses and the grandkids and went to Pizza Factory to do what we do best, eat!
I love my family and I am so grateful that I got to spend the day of love with them! Oh and my mom is awesome. She got me the *N Sync, No Strings Attached concert on DVD! I'm such a teeny bopper, but I don't care! :)
Later that night my mom, Kaylie and I had some girl time and did what we love to do, shop! We got Kaylie the cutest clothes and Jaden a light pink striped shirt from Children's Place. Now I love pink shirts on guys so I'm very excited for Jaden to wear this. I'm sure his dad won't like that very much. :)
I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day! Love you all!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:15 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
I ♥ taking pictures
Jaden got some new shoes (Vans) from his daddy. He was really excited about them. He called his daddy on the phone and said "thank you" and "shoes" and "love you." It was really sweet.
I look mad in this picture but I promise I'm not. I was actually in heaven because I was just relaxing with Kaylie and watching Sesame Street. It was really neat to just be able to sit there and hold her and not have any interruptions or distractions. We were so content together. Jaden was cuddling with Uncle Ryan, and Grandma and Grandpa Walt were cuddling. We all had our cuddle buddies.
It always seems that every time I lay down and rest for a few minutes, the kids take that as the chance to jump on mommy and get me! I wasn't feeling well yesterday so I was laying down a lot, which means I was getting tackled a lot. :) But I love my babies even when they beat me up.
Jaden and Kaylie have loved having their Grandma and Grandpa here.
The other day Jaden and Brindley wanted to watch Mama Mia, so here they are. I thought this was a really cute picture.
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Gardner Village
I forgot that I never did a blog about the fun day Jaden and I had at Gardner Village with friends. Jessica and her son Gene, Nicole and Brindley and Jaden and I all went and had a fun day a couple weeks ago. The weather was nice (for winter in Utah) and the sun was out. We hadn't seen Gene and Jess in awhile so it was fun to play. It was especially fun for Jaden to have a boy to play with. Here are some pictures from the fun day.
Jaden was so afraid of the ducks. He loved to look at them and "quack" back at them. But when they came up to him he started to cry!
The kids had so much fun running around and playing
they love each other :)
These pictures are right after Gene sat in mud! Poor Gene! I got some good pictures of the action!
are we so horrible to stop and take a picture of the incident for our blog? :)
Thanks for a fun day guys. We love you! And we miss you tons Jess, Gene and Ronnie :)
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
oh the good ole days...
Last night I was listening to an old song and then it reminded me of all the classic songs from my teenage years. Then I started downloading every single *N Sync song there was. Now for those of you that don't know this about me, I was obsessed with *N Sync back in the day. My friends Cassie and Valerie and I were crazy in love with them. I loved JC, Valerie loved Justin and Cassie loved Lance. We had so much fun. We got front row tickets to our first *N Sync concert and oh my gosh it was the most amazing thing ever!!! We even got to go to an after party and see them hang out and dance at a club. And I touched Justin's shoe and slapped JC's hand. It still makes me all giddy and excited thinking about it. They were a huge part of our lives. We spent time watching every single tv show that they appeared on, learned their dance moves, listened to their cds every available minute, went to the midnight cd release parties, etc. My room was covered with their pictures. And when I say covered, I mean they were my wall paper! Every inch was covered of them. My poor mom...I probably gave her some heart attacks here and there. Anyway, I just wanted to enjoy my trip down memory lane. I've been listening to *N Sync songs all night tonight. Some of my favorites, I'll Be Good for You; Just the Two of Us; It's Gonna Be Me; Just Got Paid; This I Promise You; I Just Wanna Be With You; etc. etc. etc! I'm so grateful for growing up when I did. I see the popular boy bands now and I'm like ewwwwwww, Jonas Brothers? come on! No thank you! It's all about *N Sync! I'm sure some of you will agree when you read this: (Ashley, Kimber, Valerie, Jaron, Megan) please feel free to leave comments of your favorite *N Sync memories. :)
Thanks for reading my pathetic blog. But I still love my boys! :)
Oh and here is one of my favorite performances of theres. My mom loves it, too. We call it "the coats". They are hot!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 10:32 PM 5 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Monday monday monday
The Bachelor: What a great night! The Bachelor was on and I'll say it again, I love that show! I'm completely Team Melissa now. I like Jillian more from this last episode, and Molly less than I did before. But those 3 are still my favorite and I think Jason will be great with either of them.
Facebook: I love it! When I first started using it I hated it. I was all about MySpace, but now I'm over MySpace and I really love Facebook. I have gotten in touch with soooo many old friends. It's been great! Old friends from Arizona, friends from high school, middle school, church, etc. It's been nice getting in touch with people and seeing where everyone is at in their lives now. If you don't have facebook, I highly recommend it.
Music: What would I do without it? I love sitting here at night listening to all the latest music and some of my old favorites. Right now I'm listening to Kellie Pickler, The Best Days of Your Life. It is such a good song. Girl power! :) I'm hoping to go to the Taylor Swift and Kellie Pickler concert in May. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! It would be such a fun concert.
Dancing with the Stars: I'm extremely disappointed with the cast chosen for this season. I am only familiar with a couple of them. I'm glad Julianne Hough is coming back and she will be competeing with her boyfriend, that will be cute to see. But other than that I am really disappointed about it. Hopefully it will still be good! And next season they better have Nick Lachey on it! :)
Candy: Oh how I miss's only been a few days, but this no candy thing is really hard. I went to Walmart today and walked by all the Valentine's candy and of course the cinnamon bears. Key word, walked by! I was so proud of myself. I resisted the urge. I'm determined! No desserts, no candy. Go me! :)
Weight Watchers: I wish I could do Weight Watchers. I just don't have the money to do it. And no one is willing to give me every detail about how to do it. I know its all about the point system, so maybe I will figure it out. Since I wont be able to go to the gym now (no babysitter), I need to do something. I'm sick of being a fatty!
American Idol: This is the first year that I have watched all the auditions. It's been pretty fun to see. The group auditions were really cool to me and full of drama. I can't wait until they get to the top 20 and 12 and so on. It's such a good show! :)
I just realized that this is probably my very first post that I haven't talked about Jaden and here's a picture of the little people I adore!
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:26 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I ♥ my kids
It's obvious that I love my kids tremendously!
Jaden loves to sit on Kiki!and obviously she doesn't really mind. :)
Here is just a little video of Kaylie, shakin what her mama gave her! :) I can't wait until she is standing up dancing around like Jaden.
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Nicole's Baby shower
Yesterday I threw a surprise baby shower for my best friend Nicole. She is having baby #2 next month and I am so excited for her! We had the shower at the Pizza Factory (our favorite place) and it was a lot of fun. So many of her friends came and I was so thankful for the great turn out! Here are some pictures from the shower.
Jessica and I and Brindley (Nicole's daughter)
Nicole's fam...Whitney, Jessica and her mom
Holly, myself, Jessica, Carlene, Anna and Nicole
Anna, Jess and Carlene
and 2 of the cutest people there....Jaden and Brindley :)
Posted by Just the 3 of us at 9:46 PM 3 comments